Garena announced that Call of Duty: Mobile (CODM) will present an interesting collaboration with Alchemy Stars starting October 5, 2024, which presents a variety of exclusive items with the theme Alchemy Stars.

Through this collaboration, players will be able to collect interesting items such as the legendary HVK-30 weapon - Dantang's Dianqui and Holger 26 - Ice Majesty, which adds to the new sensation in the game.

CODM also launched the new Battle Royale (BR) Darkness Infiltration mode, where players can collect more Collaborative items. This mode requires players to fight zombies and destroy Dark Crystal to survive.

On October 11, 2024, Lucky Draw "It Goes Two - Alchemy Stars" will present the latest legendary weapon with a special design and stunning effect, as well as other items such as Charm, Calling Card, and weapons such as LW3-Tundra - Azure Attack.

Later, each weapon will be equipped with a Japanese-language Voice Over (VO) to add to the excitement of the players.

There is also an Event of Darkness Infiltration lasting until November 5, 2024, where in this mode, you will play alongside three other players in Map BR Isolated on a mission to destroy Dark Crystal and survive a diverse and challenging zombie attack.

You can also collect Alchemy Stars characters and use special cards to take advantage of skills that support the team, and have the opportunity to get exclusive prizes, including a dedicated Avatar and Camo Box.

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