YOGYAKARTA - Smartphone is an object that cannot be separated from human hands today. Almost all modern needs can be met by this tool, but behind the benefits there are several risks that can threaten health. One of them is the use of earphones or TWS which can be harmful to the ears. The World Health Organization (WHO) also announced an appeal for how long the duration and volume of using a TWS/earphone is safe for a person.

Quoted from Popular Science, WHO recommends a good period of time for someone to listen to earphones/TWS is one hour a day with a volume of only 60 percent. In recent years, the number of young people who experience hearing impairment due to using earphones/TWS has always increased.

Since 1994, about 3.5 percent of teenagers in the United States have experienced hearing impairments and the figure has continued to rise to 5 percent in 2014.

Some of us may have used earphones/TWS with a maximum volume, especially when we were in a noisy environment. Even though playing music with a maximum volume can damage our matching in approximately 4 minutes.

Professor Total Campbell in an interview said, "Using earphones in noisy environmental conditions, people tend to play music using earphones with a higher volume than usual in order to be heard by ears. These incidents can periodically damage our ears if they are done too often with a duration of 4 minutes," said Professor Dana Campbell, an audioologist from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.

"Although WHO has also given regulations to earphone brand developers to standardize listeners' tools that do not hurt human hearing, it will all be useless if our behavior using earphones is still not wise".

Meanwhile, an ear, nose, throat, head, and neck specialist at Siloam Hospitals Surabaya, Sofia Tiarini explained, the wrong use of headsets can be risky to hearing. One of the wrong ways to use headsets is hard volume and long duration.

"Use of headsets, headphones, earphones, TWS with a long volume and duration can risk causing hearing loss called noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) or hearing loss due to noise," he said.

Hearing disorders caused by noise occur during exposure to sounds that are too loud or too long, damaging hair cells in the hearing organs of the inner ear or koklea. When this happens, koklea cannot channel sound vibrations to the brain properly.

"Unlike damage to other parts of the body, damage to the inner ear cannot be cured," explained Sofia.

Over time, continuous speech exposure will cause hair cells to be damaged. Hearing disorders will also get worse.

Although the habit of using headsets with loud sounds seems dangerous, the use of headsets is not the only factor that triggers hearing loss. This condition can also be caused by other factors, including:

That's a review of the duration and volume of using safe TWS. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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