JAKARTA - Fasting Fransiskus during a visit to Jakarta last week was never seen using a cell phone or other communication tool. But this does not mean the Pope is not an antitechnology person. Behind that, fasting wants to show simplicity in communicating.

Pope Francis himself uses technologies such as cell phones and social media, including more than 18 million followers on Platform X (former Twitter). However, he consistently called for people to reduce the use of cell phones in contexts that should be more meaningful, such as at the dining table and during Mass.

In his not-scheduled speech in 2023 to the crowd in St. Peter's Square, the Pope invited the people to imitate the Kudus, Jesus, Mary, and Yusuf families, according to him pray, work, and communicate with each other.

Earlier, on Wednesday, March 18, 2023, an unusual moment was seen in St. Peter's Square when Pope Francis was seen using his cell phone while traveling to a weekly general audience.

Whales known to be close to the ummah often attract attention with simple actions that imply messages, including times when he talks through his phone from Popemobile, a typical vehicle used to greet devotees.

As the public audience took place, the Pope seemed to be checking time on his cell phone, allegedly to confirm whether the hearing started on time. Although this looks like an ordinary interaction with technology, this moment has attracted public attention as it is rare for the Pope to be seen using modern tools in public.

"We have to return to communication in our families," Pope Francis said. He then challenged the people to question whether they were still communicating correctly inside the family or it was like "children at a busy dining table with their cell phones... where there was silence like in Mass, but they didn't communicate."

This call highlights Pope Francis' concerns about reduced human interactions in the digital era. "Fathers, mothers, children, grandparents, brothers and sisters, this is a task we must carry out today, on the Day of the Holy Family," he added.

This is not the first time the Pope has rebuked his people for being too attached to technological devices. In 2017, the Pope criticized the habit of using cell phones during Mass, especially to take photos. "At some point, the priest who presided over the ceremony said 'lift our hearts'. He didn't say 'Take our cell phone to take photos' This is a very bad thing," he said.

"It was very sad when I celebrated Mass here or in the basilica and saw so many phones being picked up not only by the people, but also by priests and bishops! Please!" added the Pope.

Although the Pope himself is no stranger to technology, he has consistently emphasized the importance of using it wisely and has not allowed it to replace more in-depth interactions, especially in the context of family and worship.

Amid his criticism of the excessive use of cell phones, Pope Francis also used technology to bring people closer to God. In 2019, the Vatican launched the Click to Pray application, which allows Catholics around the world to pray together about the various issues they choose, and even pray with the Pope himself.

The app is available in various languages, including Spain, England, Italy, France, Portuguese and Germany. The app offers three prayer options: Pray with the Pope, Pray Every Day, and Pray with the Network. In the Pray with the Pope section, the Pope will share prayer requests for the Church's mission, while Pray Every Day offers daily prayer suggestions. Meanwhile, Pray with the Network provides space for the people to post their personal prayer requests.

The launch of the application coincided with the World Youth Day Festival on January 23, 2019 and received official approval from the Vatican as the official application of the Whale World Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayerer). The app is also available on websites, allowing Catholics to use the functions offered without having to download the app to their phones.

The Vatican describes this application as "the Pope's prayer platform and the World Prayers Network. This application invites you to pray together for its intention to address the challenges facing humanity today and the Church's mission. Every day is different, and this application offers 365 days of prayer a year to help you discover how God calls you to life."

By combining technological advances and spiritual values, Pope Francis continues to remind his people of the importance of true communication and prayer, both in personal interaction and globally through responsible technology.

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