JAKARTA Apple announced that health features for sleep and hearing have been launched. Each feature is added to Apple Watch and AirPods Pro 2 to improve user health.

"These new features are spread across products, presenting informative and powerful ways to support users in terms of their sleep and hearing health for conditions that affect billions of people around the world," Apple said.

The sleeping health feature available on Apple Watch focuses on apnea issues, the nickname for sleep disturbances that cause breathing to stop several times while sleeping. This feature will use an already improved breathing disorder metric.

Sleep apnea notifications are already available in more than 150 countries and areas that are markets from Apple Watch, including the US, European Union, and Japan. However, this feature has not yet received permission. Apple said its company was awaiting permission from global health authorities, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US.

"Gagging is an Apple Watch metric that uses an accelerometer to detect small movements on the wrist," Apple said. "(This device will) analyze respiratory distress data and notify users if the data shows signs of sleep apnea."

Meanwhile, the world's first all-in-one hearing detection test feature has been added to AirPods Pro 2. This feature is clinically validated along with the Bantu Listening Tool feature, but is still awaiting marketing permission from global health authorities.

"Apple introduced an intuitive clinical-level hearing test based on a standard clinical approach called pure tone audiometry," Apple explained. "Users can take this practical test in about five minutes from their own home."

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