YOGYAKARTA - The amount of electricity in each house can vary according to the needs of its users. Given that electricity has become a daily necessity, every home owner must know all kinds of household electrical power.

If the electricity of a house has a large capacity, then electronic equipment can be run simultaneously as well as more. Likewise, a house with small electrical power must maintain less use of electronic equipment.

For the convenience and comfort of the occupants of the house for daily activities, each house is advised to use electricity at the right time. Users can adjust the need for electricity to the amount of capacity available. So what are the various kinds of electrical power based on the amount of voltage or Vol Ampere (VA).

There are several kinds of household electricity offered by PLN. In general, household electricity is available in three groups, namely R-1, R-2, and R-3. The following are the details of the electricity group:

Each category of electric power distributes different electrical capacities based on the figures. The following is an explanation of the use of electric power according to the VA category to get the picture.

The first type of household electric power is 450 VA (Volt Ampere). Currently, the new installation for 450 Volt Ampere power is only available in the 3T region (frontier, outermost, and underdeveloped). However, there are still many households that continue to use 450 Volt Ampere electric power.

Due to its smallest capacity, its use in electricity is limited and does not allow for much electronic equipment. The 450 Volt Ampere electric power is sufficient to turn on about 12 lights with a power of 36 Watts.

What if you want to use other electronic devices such as a washing machine, iron, or air conditioning? Electric power user 450 Volt Ampere can still use an iron or washing machine, but must turn off other devices first because of large power consumption.

The next type of household electric power is 900 Volt Ampere. Users can still apply for a new installation of electricity with a capacity of 900 VA. This power is greater than 450 VA.

With a higher capacity, this electric power category allows users to operate more electronic equipment. If at 450 VA it is difficult to run several electronic devices simultaneously, this is different from 900 VA power.

Households with 900 Volt Ampere electric power can operate several electronic devices at once, such as ironing, watching television, using a washing machine, and turning on lights.

Estimated electrical power needed for several devices that can be used with a capacity of 900 VA, among others:

Kulkas = 100 Watt

Television = 130 Watt

Washing machine = 300 Watt

Electric power with a capacity of 1300 VA provides more flexibility to its users. With this much electric power, users can operate more electronic devices.

Electricity power 1,300 VA is perfect for households with more electricity needs. Bigger houses certainly need more lights, so power needs are also increasing.

For household electricity users 1,300 Volt Ampere, here are some of the devices that can be run: AC, iron, washing machine, dispenser, mixer, blender, refrigerator, LED TV, microwave, and others.

This electric power capacity is relatively large, thus allowing the use of a large amount of electronic equipment. Some high-power devices, such as microwaves or ovens, can still be used simultaneously with other electronic equipment.

For households, the electric power of 2,200 VA is large. This capacity is also ideal for families running a business from home, such as catering businesses, small-scale furniture, or other MSME businesses that require the use of some electrical equipment.

However, if there are many electronic equipment that need to be turned on at once, it is better to consider turning off some other equipment in order to maintain the stability of electrical power.

Such is the explanation of various kinds of household electrical power that must be understood by each family or homeowner. So that activities at home can run smoothly and comfortably, you should choose electricity with the capacity according to the needs of the occupants. Also read tips on choosing cables for electrical installations.

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