JAKARTA - Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida expressed his country's ambition to become a leader in Web3 innovation, affirming full support from the government. This was conveyed by Kishida in his keynote speech at the WebX2024 conference on August 28. On that occasion, Kishida emphasized Japan's proactive approach, especially through regulatory measures that have been implemented to support the growth of the blockchain ecosystem in Japan.

Salah satu poin penting yang disampaikan Kishida adalah reform perpajakan yang baru-baru ini diberlakukan oleh pemerintah. Reform ini termasuk penghapusan pajak atas keuntungan kripto yang belum direalisasikan, sebuah langkah yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi beban finansial pada startup dan mendorong inovasi di sektor Web3. Dengan langkah ini, Jepang berharap dapat menarik pengusahatan para pengusahatan, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, untuk berinvestasi di ekosistem Web3 yang tengah berkembang cepat.

Not only that, Kishida also highlighted changes in regulations that now allow limited partnership companies to invest in digital assets. This change is expected to encourage increased domestic investment in the Web3 sector, a move that is in line with the government's efforts to make Japan the center of blockchain innovation in the world.

Kishida also mentioned that the government is drafting a white paper exploring the potential of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). In the document, the government proposes the establishment of a legal framework to recognize DAO legal status, demonstrating Japan's strong commitment to creating an environment that supports Web3 developments.

Kishida Calls Web3 A "New Capitalism"

Kishida attributed the government's support for Web3 technology to the vision of "New Capitalism" he promoted. This policy is designed to balance economic growth with social welfare, by leveraging innovative technologies to deal with social challenges.

In his speech, Kishida highlighted the potential of Web3 and blockchain technology to encourage financial inclusion, revitalize the content industry, and enable better intellectual property management. According to him, these technologies are key to encouraging innovation and solving various social problems, which are at the heart of his government's economic agenda.

Kishida also emphasized that "New Capitalism" is not only a matter of economic policy, but also about creating a society where innovation has a real impact on people's lives. He sees Web3 as an important element of this strategy, especially because of its potential to revolutionize various industries and support economic reform efforts being carried out by the government.

On the other hand, Kishida also praised the private sector for quickly adopting Web3 technology. Several large companies in Japan, he said, have begun to integrate blockchain solutions in their business models. The government, according to him, is ready to play an active role in supporting this development and ensuring Japan remains at the forefront of global technological innovation.

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