JAKARTA - The diplomatic tension between Russia and France escalated after the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov at French Le Bourget airport on August 24. The Russian Foreign Ministry immediately asked for clarification from the French government regarding this incident. The Russian Embassy in France has made an official request for an explanation, but so far there has been no satisfactory response from the French side.

Durov's arrest, known as one of the important figures in the world of technology, caused major controversy. Many parties in Russia see this action as a political attempt to suppress Durov. Telegram, a company founded by Durov, firmly states that the accusations against him are baseless. They assert that Durov often travels in Europe and has nothing to hide.

The Russian Embassy stated that they would immediately take the necessary steps to protect Durov's rights and ensure consular access to them. However, this effort appears to have encountered obstacles as France is considered to have avoided cooperation in this regard. Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, stated that it would continue to press for Durov's rights to be protected in accordance with international law.

Reporting from Bitcoin.com News, Maria Butina, a Russian lawmaker, condemned this arrest by calling Durov a "political detention" and a victim of a "witch hunt" carried out by Western countries. Former Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, added that Durov had wrongly assessed the international situation, stating that in the eyes of Western countries, Durov remains a Russia that is considered dangerous.

Durov's arrest sparked various speculations and conspiracy theories. Several political analysts in Russia argue that these arrests may be linked to efforts to control the Telegram platform, known as one of the world's most popular encrypted messaging apps. Telegram is often used by activists and journalists to communicate safely, causing concern among governments that want to monitor digital communications.

On the other hand, some Western media reported that Durov's arrest may be related to alleged violations of the law in France. However, until now there has been no concrete evidence to support the allegations. Telegram itself has stated that it will continue to operate as usual and will not be affected by Durov's arrest.

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