JAKARTA - Following in Meta's footsteps, YouTube has now launched its Add Yours sticker on Shorts, which is similar to the features that have been on Instagram since 2022.
In this case, YouTube advises you to create content such as showing off tricks to your pets, to inspire other Shorts users by including Add Yours stickers.
Similar to Add Yours on Instagram, this feature is expected to bring more user engagement with similar content but with different versions.
YouTube says it will roll out in stages over the next few weeks. So, if you haven't seen this feature on your Shorts, it's a good idea to wait for the feature to arrive soon.
Not only that, YouTube has also announced that you will soon be able to add and edit auto-generated text in Shorts.
In fact, you can choose various colors and fonts to make text more unified with your video. Once again, this feature is similar to the one on Instagram.
With this update, it's increasingly showing that YouTube is very serious about competing with Reels from Meta and also TikTok.
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