JAKARTA At the end of last year, YouTube launched the Erase Song feature for content creators. This feature can remove copyrighted music in several parts of the video without disturbing other audio.

Previously, this feature was only available in the test beta version and not all users could access its features. YouTube realizes that the Erase Song feature has poor performance so they don't release the stable version to the public.

After a few months of no progress, YouTube has finally released a stable version of Erase Song. They have improved their features and added some updates to it, one of which is Artificial Intelligence (AI).

By including AI capabilities, this feature can delete songs from the video smarter. When music becomes the background of dialogue or other audio, Erase Song will only delete songs without eliminating the dialogue.

"This option allows you to disable the audio claimed in your video. You can choose to disable only songs or all video audio," YouTube said on its support page.

Even though you already use AI, removing copyrighted music will not be easy. YouTube says that the abolition of copyrighted music will not work if the video has been viewed more than 100 thousand times.

"This editing may not work if the song is difficult to delete. If this tool doesn't manage to remove claims on the video, you can try other editing options, such as disabling all votes in the claimed segment or cutting the claimed segment," explained YouTube.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)