JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology said that the establishment of the Personal Data Protection Supervisory Agency (PDP) will be completed in the third quarter of 2024.

The establishment of this supervisory agency is in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection (PDP). He also said that the draft Presidential Regulation (RPP) regarding this institution had been completed.

Director of Information Application Control from the Directorate General of Aptika, Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Teguh Arifiyadi also emphasized that the decision to form a PDP supervisory agency is the prerogative of the President.

"So in the second quarter of 2024, the drafting of the Presidential Decree is completely completed. However, the decision to form an institution is a political decision and that is the prerogative of the president," Teguh said at the Ngopi Bareng Kominfo event on Friday, June 28.

Furthermore, Teguh also said that there are several options for establishing this supervisory institution, where the first option is that the institution will stand independently and report directly to the President.

"The agency stands and is directly responsible to the President. Later the President decided to coordinate through Kominfo maybe, but not Kominfo. That's for sure," he explained.

Or, the second option is that this institution will be attached to certain Ministries/Institutions. Or will become a new institution that is responsible to the President through the Minister.

"The minister is either anyone's minister, the Minister of Communications and Informatics, the Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, and so on. There are several options and later the President will decide what the best option will be for the PDP institution," he said.

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