YOGYAKARTA The public is advised to know the secret code of the PLN meter. The reason is, the PLN meter code has various functions, namely providing various information such as voltage checks, large power checks, and so on.
It should also be noted that the secret code of the PLN meter must exist in all types of meters with various brands installed in the customer's house.
As explained earlier, the PLN listic meter code has many functions but the point is to obtain information related to electricity. However, it must be noted that the PLN electric meter code is not intended to fix obstacles to the meter.
Electric PLN meter codes also vary. However, each code has a different function depending on the type and brand of the meter. The following is a list and code function based on the electric meter brand.
Electric Meter Code ITRON Brand
Prepaid Electricity Meter Code GLOMET Brand
STAR Merk Digital Electricity Meter Code
The code of the MErk HEXING Electric Meter
ConLOG Meter Electric Meter Secret Code
Although there are a number of codes, PLN wants customers not to tamper with the electrical meter so that errors do not occur that trigger damage.
Those are some of the secret codes of the PLN meter. If a PERIKSA statement appears in the meter, it is advisable to contact PLN through the available channel. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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