Google Doodle Show Ignaz Semmelweis, To Remind The Benefits Of Handwashing
Animation Ignas Semmelweis washing hands (Google Doodle)

JAKARTA - An illustration of a man with a thick mustache with a half bald head appears on the Google page, today Friday, March 20. When clicked, a short animation will appear on how to wash your hands properly.

The male figure who appears on the Google Doodle is Ignaz Semmelweis, a doctor who is known as the pioneer of hand washing in the world. This simple health procedure began to be carried out before doctors took medical action, to reduce disease transmission.

Quoting the Google page, Semmelweis was born in Budapest, Hungary on July 1, 1818. He earned his doctor's degree with a specialist in midwifery from the University of Vienna, Germany.

After graduating he began his career as Chief Midwifery Resident at the Vienna General Hospital in the mid-19th century. At the same time there is a mysterious disease infection that has plagued maternity hospitals in Europe.

The disease, known as 'childbed fever', strikes women after giving birth. This disease triggers the highest death rate and is a frightening specter for maternity hospitals.

Citing the Britanica site, the death rate from infection with this disease reaches 25-30 percent. Some think that the infection is caused by overcrowding and poor hospital ward ventilation.

Semmelweis was asked to find the cause. After a thorough investigation, he concluded that it was the doctors who had inadvertently carried the germs through their hands.

This hypothesis is reinforced by the condition of surgeons who do not have the habit of washing their hands when moving from one operation to another. No doubt, bacteria or viruses also contaminate mothers and women who are giving birth.

Illustration of Ignaz Semmelweis while washing hands (Google Doodle)

At that time, Semmelweis immediately made a regulation requiring all medical staff to wash their hands before examining patients. Although many are skeptical of the hand washing procedure, under that procedure, the mortality rate and infection rate in women who are about to give birth have decreased quite drastically.

Thanks to his services, Semmelweis became known as the 'Father of Modern Antiseptics'. Several decades later, Semmelweis' simple idea of washing hands became a procedure that was highly recommended by the medical world.

Ignaz Semmelweis said that washing hands is the simplest and most effective measure to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. Especially in the midst of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 which is now endemic.

We also have to thank Semmelweis, who has introduced the habit of washing hands both before and after doing something to avoid germs. So don't forget to always wash your hands, OK!

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