JAKARTA Vero's communication consultant and YouGov data analyst released a study on the influence of digital influencers in Indonesia. From the results of the study shared, influencers greatly influenced consumer behavior. Presented by General Manager of YouGov, Edward Hutasoit, 94 percent of the 2,000 respondents representing online population in Indonesia felt affected by influencer content. They will look at the content of influencers before buying something. When explored, more than 50 percent of respondents said that they are bound by influencers to learn new things or to gain information, while the rest want to be inspired, feel connected, or simply want to get entertainment. "All (the groups) are affected," said Edward. "They say they want to get tips from experts. So, they (social media users) also see influencers as experts here. They also want to learn from others." There is a reason why influence influence influencers greatly on consumer trends and decisions. Apart from the increasingly stronger era of digitalization, consumers' way of making decisions is also different. They now like to sort out information from influencers. Sumarwan's upload, as a professor who observes consumer habits, says that consumers will experience two phases when they want to make decisions. First is the process of introducing needs, while the second is the process of information search.

"So, he made sure (that) he got information. Well, in this social media era, it turns out that information is not only a monopoly of one party, but now a content creator providing information. Then, he searches information for alternative evaluation," explained Ujang. This shift in consumer behavior is indeed driven by influencers indirectly and the company needs to take advantage of it. The reason is that many people who like to access social media and platforms are often used as places to look for information. Agung Karmalogy, one of the influencers who is also present in the release of the results of Vero and YouGov studies, says that campaigns with influencers are no longer a choice for companies, but a necessity because social media is controlled by influencers. Before products or services from a company get a review of influencers, companies must move to look for influencers first. This is necessary so that the company does not get unwanted reviews and affects public opinion. "Don't let us miss the steps (and) our business products are reviewed with others. That's beyond our control to get a positive or negative review track. So, before there is a public opinion that doesn't match the desired track, we need to drive opinions via influencers," said Agung. Meanwhile, although it is not explained in the study, influencers' influencers' influencers' influence is felt throughout social media. However, when asked by the platform that is the most intermediate influencers, Edward answers WhatsApp. "So, if we look at which social media they are using, number one is WhatsApp (because) we all use WhatsApp. Continue that Instagram, TikTok. So, it will depend on us looking at its age set," said Edward to VOI. However, in more detail, the majority of users at younger ages use Instagram and TikTok to search for reviews from influencers. In contrast to older users, they prefer to use Facebook or Instagram.

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