JAKARTA A NASA-driven lunar exploration mission regains support. Announced on May 15, NASA revealed that Lithuania has signed a Artemis Agreement sheet. This international agreement was unveiled through a cooperation contract signing ceremony in Vilnius, Lithuania. At the event, Lithuania's Minister of Economy and Lithuania's Innovation Aumarin totaled the country to sign an agreement between the two countries. Armonaitmen said that his country has developed in the space sector. The minister also revealed that space companies in his country continue to grow significantly so that Lithuania wants to start a new chapter. "The Artemis agreement marks a new chapter and maps the direction of future space exploration, underlining our commitment to the presence of responsible, sustainable, and cooperative in space," said Armonait total. Although no NASA could attend the cooperation inauguration ceremony, NASA administrator Bill Nelson welcomed the participation of the Baltic state. Through NASA's official blog, Nelson said that Lithuania would strengthen the Artemis Agreement partnership. "Only in four years, 40 countries have signed the Artemis Agreement. Together, as a global coalition, we will explore the stars in an open, responsible, and peacefully," Nelson said. Support for the Artemis exploration mission was indeed getting stronger. At the end of April, NASA announced Slovenia as the 39th country and now NASA has received support from 40 countries. This is very good news for the US. In the next few months, the US state agency believes that support for the Artemis mission will be growing again. The more support obtained, NASA believes that its space exploration mission will get the best support.

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