JAKARTA When imagining the shape of a planet, many humans believe that this celestial body is of very large size. Despite its different size, this astronomical object should be very heavy and dense. However, the findings of the recent scientists show the opposite. Quoted from Sciencealert, a group of scientists from Belgium discovered an exoplanet whose density is similar to cotton. The planet that is outside this solar system is WASP-193b. The planet is located about 1,200 light years from Earth and its size is 50 percent larger than Jupiter. Although its size is large, the planet is very light and smooth because its mass is seven times smaller than Jupiter. Hence, WASP-193b is referred to as a cotton planet. Although the density of this planet is very peculiar, WASP-193b is not the only lightest planet. Khalid Barkaoi, one of the researchers, said that, "WASP-193b is the second non-dense planet discovered to date, after Kepler-51d, which is much smaller." Findings of planets such as WASP-193b and Kepler-51d indicate that there are an anomalous planets outside our solar system. This is one of the amazing findings because these planets could help scientists in understanding planetary evolution. "(the planet is) a real anomaly among more than five thousand exoplanets," said Barkaoui. "This very low density cannot be reproduced by standard models of gas giants affected by radiation, even under unrealistic assumptions." WASP-193b is an exoplanet orbiting a similar star of the Sun, namely WASP-193. Stars of this planet have 1.1 times the mass and 1.2 times the radius of the Sun. Although its age and temperature are close to the Sun, the WASP-193b distance is very close.
The exoplanet asymptomatic as the dandelion flower sphere orbits at very close distances, even much closer than the various planets present in the solar system. The planet also approaches it to its star once every 6.25 days. This finding makes scientists want to find out WASP-193b more deeply. So far, Barkaoui and colleagues have found that the exoplanet density is 0.059 grams per cubic centimeter. Very far from Earth which has a mass of 5.51 grams per cubic centimeter. The WASP-193b type mass is also different from Jupiter which reaches 1.33 grams per cubic centimeter so that the planet is very light. In addition to its very small type of mass, the planet contains more air and has a very smooth surface base.
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