JAKARTA Any device will run out of memory after being used for a long time, including the iPhone and iPad. If you're feeling this, you may be thinking about using iCloud.

There's nothing wrong with using iCloud because this service from Apple can be very helpful in managing data. However, citing from How to Geek, there are several things you need to know before deciding to buy iCloud.

iCloud Does Not Guarantee Memory Reduction

Many people misunderstand the function of iCloud. This service does provide more space to store various data such as photos, music, and files. However, iCloud does not increase the amount of internal storage on your device.

After buying iCloud, your internal storage will remain full as this cloud service does not immediately delete files from your internal storage. The cloud service only eases the load, not frees up internal storage space.

Optimizing Storage With ICloud

Another mistake that many people make after buying iCloud is to ignore the option to optimize storage. In fact, this is important to do so that iCloud+ can function properly on your iPhone.

If you optimize storage in iCloud, high-resolution photos and videos will be saved in the service automatically. To enable the feature, go to Settings and click Your Name first.

After that, open the iCloud menu and select Photo. Next, select the Optimizing IPhone Storage option. If it's on, your iPhone will manage storage automatically so you don't have to manually reduce internal storage space.

Subscription Of ICloud Forever

Keep in mind, iCloud is a service that must be paid forever, unless you stop using Apple-made devices. You have to set aside your money every month and pay on time so that your data doesn't have a problem.

One thing to keep in mind is that the price of iCloud services may increase over time. If you want to use the service, you have to be sure that you can afford it and can pay the bill every month.

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