YOGYAKARTA Users don't need to worry when the Telegram application suddenly can't send messages. This condition is usually marked by a clock logo. Different when a message is successfully sent which will be marked with a tick or two. How to overcome Telegram can't send a message, it's actually easy.
This article will provide a solution when the message on Telegram cannot be sent properly so that it can return to normal.
The sending of Telegram messages that failed was caused by many things. When encountering this problem, try to do the following methods so that messages on Telegram can be sent as usual.
Communication via Telegram is carried out via internet connection. This means that the existence of the internet connected to HP also determines whether Telegram can work properly or not. If suddenly Telegram cannot send a message, try to check the internet connected to the device.
Perturbations that occur on Telegram servers can occur. If the user has confirmed that the internet network connected to the device is not problematic, try asking your colleague if the Telegram he is using cannot send messages as you are experiencing or not.
Restarting your phone by restarting sometimes helps fix problems in installed applications, including Telegram. Usually problematic operating systems also hinder the performance of the application. The best solution to solve this is to restart your cellphone. After that try to send Telegram again. If the problem is still happening, you can try another way.
The proxy on Telegram is useful for improving security when the user uses the application. When the proxy is enabled, the internet connection will be connected to the server proxy first, then the message is sent. If the server proxy is interrupted, then sending messages via Telegram will also be disrupted. Try to disable the proxy so that Telegram can return to normal. How to enter Telegram proxy is as follows.
Telegram often provides app updates. Make sure you have used the latest version of Telegram. If not, users can update Telegram via the Play Store or App Store. Or it could also be done by deleting Telegram and downloading and re-installing.
The Telegram app provides another user blocking feature so that anyone has the potential to be blocked by other users. The characteristics of your contacts being blocked on Instagram are your messages not sent or failed. To find out whether your Telegram is blocked or not by other users, know how to easily distinguish check marks on Telegram.
In order to be able to return to communication with the destination Telegram contact, you must request to unblock it.
Those are some ways to deal with telegram not being able to send messages. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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