JAKARTA - Although there are so many conveniences offered to users through online shopping, there are still many vulnerabilities hidden behind these conveniences.

For example, cybercriminals traps can be found easily via phishing messages, ranging from suspicious online links that you may click or unexpected attachments containing malware, fake QR codes, online store account fraud, and others.

The high demand for online shopping is currently also in line with the phishing trend that has occurred. According to global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky, last year, the phishing page that imitates the global internet portal (16.46 percent) again occupies the top position based on the number of links transfer efforts.

Furthermore, users of web services (web services) are also targeted by threat actors with a percentage of 14.66 percent.

Then followed by 12.22 percent phishing attacks targeting online store users.

Southeast Asian General Manager at Kaspersky, Yeo Siang Tiong said, the large number of counterfeiting online stores was triggered by the large number of digitally active customers, but lacked awareness of the simplest cyber risks such as phishing and spam.

"Because online shopping and electronic payments are an important part of our daily activities, we urge the Indonesian people to be vigilant, especially at the announcement of sales submitted via email, text messages, social media posts, or even phone calls, pay close attention to the details before clicking," added Yeo.

Although threats can come from anywhere, Yeo added,

"We can protect ourselves with the vigilance and strong security solutions installed on the device," he concluded.

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