JAKARTA – Just like messaging applications in general, Telegram is a safe platform to use. The reason is, this application already uses end-to-end encryption, even in calls. Telegram also uses two-factor authentication (2FA) and biometric verification such as facial recognition. Although safe enough, this application is still haunted by threats because cybercriminals often infiltrate the application. There are many types of scams that can threaten the security of users so you need to be careful using Telegram. Here are some of the most common scams on Telegram, quoted from Makeuseof. Phishing Link Phishing is one of the cyber threats that can be found anywhere, but this fraud attempt occurs a lot on Telegram. So that cybercriminals don't log into your account, don't click on links from unknown people. In addition, avoid clicking unclear links. If you like to join the Telegram channel, make sure not to click on any links from the channel. There is a possibility that the channels you follow are hacked and they share phishing links. Telegram Bot Unlike other messaging apps, Telegram allows its users to create bots. Although allowed, keep in mind that Telegram never guarantees the security of bots made by its users. With this policy, many cybercriminals use Telegram bots to create fake ads, send messages in the form of spam, and much more. To avoid threats via bots, block bots that you think are suspicious. Fake Gifts Many Telegram users may be tempted by gift giving. Although Telegram supports gift giving such as free Premium services, not all prizes sent via messages, bots, or channels can be trusted.
If you get a message with the lure of giving a gift when you never follow any giveaway, you can block the message. You should also be suspicious if the sender asks for payment for sending a gift. You should get used to reading messages repeatedly from unknown people and checking signs of fraud such as typos, grammar errors, or fake logos. If you find a suspicious account, you can immediately block the account.

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