JAKARTA Apple denied allegations of violations filed by Epic Games in March. The company said it had never denied a court order for the App Store application.

In response to Epic Games' previous filing, quoted by Reuters, Apple criticized Fortnite's developer's actions. Apple calls Epic's actions an attempt to get Apple's tools and technology for developers for free.

Not only criticizing Epic' request through a filing letter, Apple also urged federal judges to reject the company's request. Apple doesn't seem to like it if the latest App Store policy is seen as an insult to court decisions.

In March, Epic said Apple had committed a blatant violation. Epic also asked a US district judge to insult Apple's actions and end Apple's actions that violated court terms.

The iPhone developer is accused of preventing app purchase efforts outside the App Store. The reason is, the buttons and links that direct consumers to payments outside the App Store application are not working properly.

In fact, US District Judge Yvonne Gonzales Rogers gave an order in September 2021, Apple should assist developers in providing buttons and links that direct consumers to other ways to payment for digital content.

Apple also applies a new fee of 27 percent for developers who apply payments outside the app via a link or button. This policy remains in effect even though the payment link outside the App Store does not work.

"Apple's goal is clear: to prevent alternative purchases from limiting the supplyive costs it collects on the purchase of digital goods and services," Epic wrote in its filing letter. What Apple calls compliance is fake."

Epic declined to comment on Apple's reply letter, but its actions were clear enough. The game developer may be doing the same as their previous dispute, not wanting to lose and awaiting a court decision.

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