JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) has blocked the Snack Video website. It's just that the application can still be found on the Google Play Store platform.
According to Kominfo Spokesman Dedy Permadi, the Snack Video application and site have been blocked as of March 2, 2021. The Snack Video is currently submitting a rebuttal to the Financial Services Authority regarding their legality status.
Furthermore, Dedy added that the Snack Video application can still be downloaded at the Playstore. This happens because the process of applying to block the application to the Playstore takes time.
"Submitting a block to PlayStore does take time, because it has to coordinate with Google HQ in the US," said Dedy.
Previously, the Investment Alert Task Force (SWI) had asked the Snack Video application to stop its activities because it was not registered as an Electronic System Operator (PSE) of the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and did not have a legal entity and permit in Indonesia.
"We have discussed with the Snack Video management and there is an agreement to stop its activities until the permit is obtained. We have also asked the Ministry of Communication and Information to stop the TikTok Cash application that has the potential to harm the community," said SWI Chairman Tongam L. Tobing through his official statement.
Tongam reminds the public to always be aware of offers from various parties that seem to provide easy benefits but have the potential to harm users.
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