The World's First Drone Airline Will Open In England In Summer
The construction of the 165-mile Skyway network is coordinated by drone software provider Altitude Angel. (photo: x @altitudeangel)

JAKARTA - Britain will host the opening of the world's first drone airway this summer, which is scheduled to take place between June and early July. This airway, known as the "superhighway drone", is expected to open up the possibility of fast deliveries using drones across the country.

The construction of the 165-mile Skyway network is coordinated by drone software provider Altitude Angel. The network will connect the two main cities in the UK, namely Coventry in the Midlands with Milton Keynes in the Southeast.

Although the project has been greeted with enthusiasm by the drone industry, some skeptics have warned of risks that may arise regarding the privacy and safety of residents living along flight routes.

Chris Cole, director of campaign group Drone Wars, raised concerns about potential disruptions and intrusions that may be caused by the presence of drones over the population. He stressed the need to pay attention to the balance between technological innovation and the interests of the general public.

According to Altitude Angel, the drone's airway will allow the use of drones for emergency responses, search and rescue, organ transport, and medical supplies, as well as more efficient surveys. The grid will be powered by 30 "Finger Towers" that will control drones from the ground, forming a virtual airway that allows drones to fly safely without the need for human pilots.

Currently, 15 of the 30 towers have been built, covering an area of about 80-90 miles. The project is part of a large investment from the British government in the aerospace industry, and has investment support from BT companies.

Although the construction of this drone highway is expected to provide benefits for security and efficiency, some are still voicing concerns over privacy and safety concerns.

Follow-up discussions and careful evaluation are expected to ensure that the use of these drones does not sacrifice the interests of the general public.

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