Benefits Of Using E-Meterai: There Are 7 You Must Know
Advantages of Using e-Metari (photo: Paper.ID)

YOGYAKARTA - The use of e-Materary does not only provide convenience in placing it in electronic documents, but also provides other benefits for individuals and business entities, such as minimizing document falsification or stampai itself because of the technology stored in it. So what are the advantages using e-meterai? Let's discuss below, see until the end!

Getting to know the e-Materary

Launching from its official e-Materai website, electronic Materai is a type of stampai in the form of electronic formats with special characteristics and contains security elements issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, which are used to pay taxes on electronic documents.

Meanwhile, for Government Regulation (PP) No. 86 of 2021, the electronic seal is a seal in the form of a lane whose use is carried out using the method of being sprinkled on documents through certain systems.

Currently, there is only 1 e-Meterai tariff that applies and is used in all types of electronic documents, namely Rp. 10.000. Purchases can be made through the official e-Meterai website or through other official partners, such as OnlinePajak.

1. Minimizing Counterfeiting

Electronic meters have a safety factor embedded in it, namely the digital signature X.509 SHA 512. Not only that, each e-Meterai also has a different design and as many as 70% of the seal design is made a unique barcode. So, minimizing the formation of seal counterfeiting that is tried by irresponsible persons.

e-Meterai has a convenience feature because it can be read using applications, as well as a forensic validation feature by Perum Peruri to protect the seal from counterfeiting.

2. Facilitate Purchase and Recovery of Meters

Purchases of e-Meterai can be done online via the page. This makes it easier for people to obtain the seal at any time and anywhere. Not only buying, the recovery can also be done directly on electronic documents. No need to print it, no need to stick, no need to re-examine. The process becomes more instant, especially in electronic transactions.

3. Reduce the Budget for Sending Letters and Official Documents

In business, the budget for sending letters and official documents can be large, especially if the business often carries out shipments to various regions. By using the e-stripe, the business can reduce the expenditure of sending letters and official documents because there is no need to buy physical stamps or pay extra payments for physical stamps.

4. Increase State Revenue Sources

On the other hand, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Sri Mulyani said that the use of electronic seal will increase the source of state income.

This digital payment and payment system of document tax obligations is designed simply to pay credit.

5. Reduce the Risk of Loss of Physical Stamps

Physical stamps can be lost or stolen, as well as businesses are required to buy new stamps if this happens. With e-barrels, the risk of physical seal loss has decreased, and businesses no longer need to buy new physical seales if the physical seal is lost or stolen.

6. Increase Efficiency and Business Productivity

In business, time is money. By using e-scattering, businesses can save time and increase productivity because you no longer need to spend time buying physical stamps, sending official documents to the post office, or queuing to buy physical stamps at the post office.

7. Environmental Friendly Because It Doesn't Need Paper And Ink

E-Meterai does not need paper and ink to be printed the same as physical seal. This makes e-meters more environmentally friendly because it does not require materials that are not environmentally friendly in the production process.

In addition, you can read: 'How to Use an Electronic Meterion of IDR 10 Thousand' so you know how to buy and also use it.

So after knowing the advantages of using e-meterai, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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