US Government Sues Apple To Increase Competition In IPhone Market
The US government sued Apple. (photo: x @timcook)

JAKARTA - The United States government has taken legal steps against Apple with the aim of pushing for further competition in the iPhone market. This lawsuit is expected to provide opportunities for small companies that use their apps with the very popular device.

In a lawsuit against Apple, which has a value of 2.7 trillion US dollars (Rp 42.3 quadrillion), the US government accuses the company of harming small competitors and increasing prices, and asks courts to "return the conditions of competition in markets affected by Apple's unlawful behavior".

Apple, on the other hand, stated that the lawsuit threatens companies and the principles that make their products superior in competitive markets.

In Europe, consumers have seen favorable changes after a number of rules and regulations prompted Apple to make some user-friendly changes to their popular smartphones, giving the hope that similar changes could occur in the US if the Justice Department's lawsuit succeeds.

Some areas where EU competition authorities have changed the rules and Apple has changed its products including:

Charging Cable: Apple switches to USB-C charger, which is standard for Android devices. This will make it easier for users to use the chargers they already have or borrow someone else's.

App Store: In Europe, new rules have created alternatives to Apple's App Store, allowing users to download apps from competing sources.

Payments Through Non-Apple Websites: Both in the EU and in the US, app developers can now direct users to their own websites to buy goods, rather than having to use the in-app purchase system Apple.

Browser: Safari has been the default browser on the iPhone since it was first released in 2007. However, in the EU, users will now be automatically given the option to switch when opening Safari in Apple's latest software update.

The lawsuit is part of a greater effort to encourage healthy competition in the tech market, and the outcome could have a huge impact not only on Apple but also on the tech industry as a whole.

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