JAKARTA - In addition to launching the Tab Organizer and generative theme makers based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Google will launch the 'Help Me Write' feature inchrome122.

This feature can be operated across Google services that provide writing support such as Gmail, Documents, and much more. According to a 9to5google report, this feature is supported by the Gemini model developed by Google.

When this feature is launched, Chrome users only need to click the right side of the touchpad until the Help Me Writing feature is visible. After that, the user can enter the desired command to provide the idea of writing.

Help Me Write can understand the context of the website page that is currently being opened and provide relevant content suggestions. For example, when a user opens a Gmail, the suggestion will lead to formal writing and be adjusted to user needs.

Google also gave an example, "For example, if you write a review for a pair of running shoes, Chrome will issue key features from a product page that supports your recommendation so that it is more valuable to potential buyers."

The "Help Me Write" feature will ask users to write down the desired description. When the feature produces the requested text, users can adjust the text longer and make the text more relaxed or more formal.

All Chrome 122 users on Mac and Windows will get this feature. If the feature has been launched, don't forget to open Settings, after that open Experimental AI to activate the Help Me Writing feature.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)