JAKARTA - In the current rainy season, doing outdoor activities will be very dangerous, because it is prone to lightning strikes. This is what netizens talk about when the video of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) walking on a rice field embankment during heavy rain.

It is known that the video was taken when Jokowi visited the location of the rice barn in Central Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tengggara (NTT) on Tuesday, February 23. That afternoon it rained quite hard, but Jokowi decided to get out of the car and walk to the rice fields with an umbrella to check the water pump.

Unfortunately Jokowi's action is scientifically not the right action. This is because rice fields or open areas during heavy rain are locations that are very prone to lightning strikes.

Quoting the website of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), there are several tips to avoid lightning strikes when you take shelter from heavy rain. One of them is to avoid field areas without roof protection.

"Because when there is heavy rain accompanied by lightning, lightning will always search for areas in the form of fields to release all of their energy and of course this is very dangerous for you," wrote BMKG as quoted by VOI, Thursday, February 25.

When it rains a lot with thunder, it's a good idea not to get close to metal or metal objects. The reason is that these objects will conduct electricity from lightning energy.

If you have to take shelter, it's best to avoid tall and big trees. Because taking shelter under the tree will be very dangerous, because lightning will easily strike objects that are quite tall like trees.

Do not drive during heavy rain accompanied by lightning. Immediately stop and find a place to take cover.

When you take shelter from the pouring rain, it's best to keep your distance from other people around you. The reason is that standing too close to other people will be very dangerous when lightning strikes.

"We recommend that you set a distance of about 3-5 meters with other people to avoid energy when there is lightning." Well, hopefully the article about tips on shelter during heavy rain can help you avoid the risk of being struck by lightning.

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