JAKARTA - Former President of the United States and Republican lead candidate Donald Trump recently issued a strong statement regarding artificial intelligence (AI). He even called it "the most dangerous thing out there" and warned that "there is no real solution", in an interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business.

Trump's comments were revealed in footage for the upcoming segment at the Sunday Morning Futures Bartiromo event on Fox Business. The interview is scheduled to air on February 4. According to the snippet, the former president considers AI as one of the biggest dangers facing America:

"And other things that I think might be the most dangerous thing out there of all, because there's no real solution - AI, as they call it. It's really scary," Trump said.

Trump warned that AI could be used to fight, adding that "you can use it for other things" before regretting that "something has to be done about this, and it has to be done quickly."

The president, who previously also discussed deepfakes - AI technology that mimics or imitates humans - calls it a "big problem" that even experts don't have a solution to.

"I saw someone imitating me who made a speech about their product. I said, 'I will never support that product.' You can't even tell the difference. Like I really support it," Trump said.

This comment comes after an incident where Trump appeared to have red spots on his hands during the appearance recorded on camera. Although it appears the spots were blood - reported from a paper cut - the former president told Fox News's Mark totaling on January 31 that the patch may have been caused by AI.

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