JAKARTA - There are many things that distinguish Android 10 from the previous variants. Apart from the naming side, Google has also added many new features. One of them is Dark Mode.

The user can change the appearance and background light of the screen through this feature. From the original bright or white. So it is dimmer with a black screen light. The kind of update that both Android users and fans are happy to welcome.

Unfortunately, when it was first launched, Android's Dark Mode only supported a few apps. Apart from the main page, Dark Mode can also be activated in some of the default Android applications. Like YouTube, Chrome, Gmail, Drive, to the Play Store.

Meanwhile, third-party applications such as WhatsApp and Instagram cannot support this screen mode. In fact, the Google Maps application cannot be changed its appearance. Being a drawback that makes Dark Mode feel less full. Less complete.

Dark Mode for Maps and Other Updates

Over the past two years, Google has updated this feature several times. So that this screen color changer feature can be applied to various third applications. Like WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, to Gojek.

Yesterday, Tuesday, February 23rd, The Verge reported that Google has finally released a Dark Mode update for all Android phones. The company actually launched a similar update in September 2020. But limited to some Android devices only.

Through this update, all Android phones can get a dark appearance on the Google Maps app. Make Android have a darker mode that is more complete.

Activating Dark Mode in Maps isn't difficult. You can access it via the app's settings menu, and dark mode is located under the Themes menu.

Not only that, but Google also rolled out updates for some of its familiar features. Such as support for the Password Checkup feature for older phones and feature updates on Android Auto.

Quoting the company's explanation on the Google Support page, Android Auto is a collection of several applications that can be accessed via cellphone screens and car screens, making it easier for users to open them while driving. Examples of applications contained in Android Auto include navigation, maps, messaging applications, phone applications, and music applications.

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