JAKARTA - The game developer Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy from Sweden, Eidos Montreal has just announced the dismissal of 97 employees, through an announcement on X.

In a statement, the company said that the dismissal of 97 employees was due to challenges faced by Embracer Group, a company that succeeded in acquiring Eidos Montreal.

"The global economic context, our industrial challenges and the comprehensive restructuring announced by Embracer ultimately impacted our studio," the announcement read.


The difficult decision has been taken to fire 97 people from the support development, administration and service team, he continued.

Nevertheless, Eidos Montreal said that they would continue to strive to support all affected personnel through this transition.

"People who are very talented and experienced are entering the job market, and we want them to find the next project and help make it happen," the company said.

Not only that, as Bloomberg reports, according to an anonymous report, the Embracer Group is also rumored to be canceling a new Deus Ex game project that has been discussed by Eidos Montreal over the past two years.

Eidos was acquired by Embracer in 2022, but throughout 2023, the gaming company laid off more than 900 people.

Then, in January, they dismissed a number of employees in the developer belonging to Gearbox, Lost Boys Interactive.

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