Worldcoin Prepares New Order Despite Facing Privacy And Ethics Issues
An Orb user is scanning eye slices. (Photo; Do. NoWorks News)

JAKARTA - Worldcoin, a crypto company backed by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, plans to launch a new orbit, which is an eye scanner device used to identify users. This new orbit is expected to increase user comfort and trust, which previously criticized the Worldcoin project a lot because it was considered exploiting personal data and violating ethics.

Worldcoin is an open protocol aimed at building the world's largest digital identity and financial network, which provides access and ownership to everyone. Worldcoin carries the concept of World ID, which is a global identity system that maintains user privacy through a mechanism called zero-knowledge proof.

To get World ID, users must scan their eyes using an orbit, which is a 30 cm diameter spherical device equipped with a multispectral sensor. This scan is intended to verify that users are unique humans and not an AI bot or algorithm. In return, users will get a Worldcoin token, which is a digital currency that can be used for various purposes, such as participating in protocol governance, paying transaction fees, or supporting social initiatives.

However, since its launch in June 2023, Worldcoin has drawn controversy and criticism from various parties. One of the main criticisms is related to privacy and ethics of using user eye data, which is considered one of the most sensitive biometric information. Many fear that user eye data can be misused, stolen, or sold by irresponsible parties.

In addition, Worldcoin has also been criticized for its focus on developing countries, such as India and Kenya, during the trial period. Some have accused Worldcoin of being a neocolonial project that utilizes the poor by offering small rewards for their personal data. Worldcoin was also ordered by the Kenyan Data Protection Commissioner's Office to stop data collection for allegedly violating the country's data protection laws.

Despite the controversy, Worldcoin remains optimistic about its future. Worldcoin has received financial support from well-known investors, such as a16z and Bain Capital Crypto, which have invested 250 million (Rp 3.95 trillion). Worldcoin also claims to have more than 190,000 users registered in the last seven days.

To increase user convenience and trust, Worldcoin plans to launch a new orb in the first half of 2024. This new orbit will have a more friendly and ergonomic look, as well as several different iterations 9. Worldcoin also promises to maintain user data privacy and security, as well as follow local regulations.

With the launch of the new orbit, Worldcoin hopes to overcome the existing controversy and attract more users. Worldcoin is also ambitious to become an inclusive and democratic protocol, which provides access and ownership to everyone in the world. Can Worldcoin realize its vision, or is it just a failed project? Only time can answer.

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