JAKARTA - The American Air Force recently signed their first agreement for operational-level quantum computing software, marking a new era in US military logistics.
Quantum Research Science (QRS), which comes from Purdue, has become the contract recipient. They received 2.5 million US dollars (Rp 39.2 billion) to build and support quantum computing software capable of managing global Air Force logistics.
Classical logistics
Currently, US military forces organize and manage supply operations in an old way, namely using classical binary computers. However, when compared to their futuristic quantum computers, binary computers are not appropriate for this problem.
This is because binary computers can only handle a number of variables at one time before they become overwhelmed. Logistics on the US Air Force's scale of needs aggravates the ability of classic computers.
"At best, supply chain estimation is a guess based on knowledge. Worst of all, it's a wild guess," said QRS CEO Ethan Crimens, explaining the ability of a binary system as something rather random.
Quantum logistics
Quantum computers, on the other hand, have shown the potential of advantage over classical computers. This is because, in contrast to traditional computers that use binary bits - basically on/off switches - quantum computers use qubits. This is somewhat analogous to bits; unless they can be in more than one state.
Qubits can turn on or off, like ordinary bits, but they can also exist in superpositions where they can turn on and off at the same time. Basically, this allows quantum computers to work with more variables at the same time, speed up processes and increase accuracy.
A press statement on the Purdue University website stated that QRS quantum software has shown an acceleration of 28% compared to currently available software running on binary computers.
According to information available on the QRS website, the company has teamed up with Quantinuum, formerly Honeywell, to, most likely, run QRS software on Quantinuum hardware.
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