Welcoming the turn of the year, the cloud computing service provider (cloud service provider) from Indonesia PT Era Awan Digital (Eronyacloud) launched the Database as a Service (DBaaS) service which can be a solution for companies to store and manage sensitive data belonging to the company. This solution can answer the challenges facing the company related to rapidly growing data.

"The increasing business growth of a company is often accompanied by increased data growth that is sensitive in nature. With this situation, the company usually needs a useful solution to store and regulate data according to its needs. Therefore, Eranyacloud presents a Database as a Service (DBaaS) solution to answer these business needs," said Shaane Harjani as Eranyacloud's Chief Executive Officer, in his statement, Tuesday, January 9.

"This solution comes with several advantages such as scalability that allow users to set databases according to the company's needs, security features to secure sensitive data from unwanted access and data theft, as well as the availability of large storage with easy access, as well as a minimum downtime," added Shaane.

He also added that this DBaaS solution can be an investment with good value for the company because it is offered at an affordable price.

Shaane said the Eracloud DBaaS can be used to access databases from various software such as PostgreSQL, Redis, MariaDB, MySQL, and SQL Server. This era of closing DBaaS also has some excellent features including Automation Backup which allows users to backup databases every day, Advanced query monitoring that allows users to monitor and accelerate the recovery of issues in databases, as well as Granular user management that provides users to manage internal parties who can access their databases.

"Eranyacloud DBaaS can start use starting January 2024 and be ordered through the Eranyacloud website or directly from the Cloud Console Era," said Shaane.

He added that in 2024, his company will launch several new services, one of which is the Cloud GPU which can be an effective and efficient solution for the use of Artificial Intelligence and high-performance computing.

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