JAKARTA Telegram is a communication platform with a lot of bots. This automatic bot or account can be used for playing games, playing music, and much more.

Although the bot from this telegram is very useful for use, not all bots are safe to access. There are several bots that can steal personal data without the owner knowing in just one interaction. They will run scripts and extract users' personal data.

One of the most dangerous bots is AnarchyGrabber. Quoting fromMakeuseof, thisbot will disguise itself as an additional bot for group chats. In fact, AnarchyGrabber will hijack the authentication token and extract user's confidential data.

AnarchyGrabber and other dangerous bots often trick Telegram users. In order not to be fooled by these bots, we must better understand the differences between safe bots and dangerous bots for use.

The easiest way is to pay attention to the movements of bots. If bots ask for unnecessary data, such as weather bots asking for contact, then don't respond. In addition, bots should respond to orders instead of ordering first.

Another preventive measure that can be taken is to search for bot names in Google search engines. If the bot is dangerous for use, other users may have voiced their concerns on social media.

Next, you can turn on two-factor authentication (2FA). With this authentication, telegram can improve account security by adding secondary verification measures. This step can make it difficult for hackers, including bots, to access your account.

Finally, you can prevent data theft from malicious bots by monitoring accounts regularly. When you realize there are strange or suspicious things on your account, immediately check account access and change security details like passwords.

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