JAKARTA - The WhatsApp instant messaging application is an online communication tool that is considered more practical than similar applications. However, did you know that WhatsApp has features that its users rarely know about.

Because it is so popular, currently WhatsApp has 2 billion users. So many WhatsApp features were accidentally discovered by them creatively. Really very multifunctional.

Following VOI summarizes some of the secret WhatsApp features that have been compiled from various sources, which can help those of you who are still single, you know !

1. Can Create Groups with Yourself

If you are in a world of work that requires sending files easily, you can use this WhatsApp application via one share link button.

To do this, invite one of your closest friends to the WhatsApp group you created, labeled the group name as desired. If so, remove your friend from the group, and be a group that contains you alone. If your friend protests via personal message , just let me know that you are just doing an experiment whether WhatsApp has an error or not.

2. Chat with yourself on WhatsApp

The key to being able to chat with yourself in this application is to save your own number in your contacts. Label it whatever you like, for example 'My Love' so you don't think it's single .

This method can also help you transfer anything to the chat room , without the need for Bluetooth or other sharing applications that are so troublesome.

3. Can Chat Other People Without Saving Their Number

Not many people know that we can start chatting on WhatsApp without saving the number of our chat opponent. The following method is a bit confusing, but it doesn't hurt to try for those of you who are lazy to enter a new number in the contact.

Open Chrome browser , Safari, Mozilla or any other browsing application. Type wa.me/nomorponsel, such as wa.me/6214045. With this trick, you can also chat with the number you are currently using.

4. Make it bold, italic or crossed out

This trick is really creative, for those of you who have a haste , you can use bold fonts when sending messages. How to add an asterisk '*' into the message sent, for example * YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR ME. *

Second, to italicize the message, you just add an underscore like this _ OK I'll be evil_ . Then press enter, the message you send will automatically be italic or Italic .

Then the third, to cross out messages, add '~' signs to messages like ~ You don't eat spicy ~.

5. Pin Important Chats (Pin)

To activate this feature, you only need to hold one of the conversations you want to pin, continue by clicking the pin sign on the top side. WhatsApp users can only pin chat with a maximum of three conversations. You can use this for groups, families or couples.

6. WhatsApp Application Security

Not long ago, Mark Zuckerberg's application launched a feature to increase the security of the instant messaging application. You can lock WhatsApp with your fingerprint. So, all your conversations with anyone in this application will automatically be maintained.

To do this, select Settings, tap Privacy and Finger Print (fingerprint). Then, close the WhatsApp application and reopen it with an activated fingerprint.

Those are some features that are rarely known by users. For information on new features, WhatsApp recently launched a dark mode feature for the display of the application. It doesn't stop there, the application that was acquired by Facebook in 2014 is reportedly going to launch its newest feature again.

According to rumors, WhatsApp will make its instant messaging platform function similar to Apple's iMessage application. The similarity is that users can flexibly use the application across all devices without being connected to the main device.

This means that one WhatsApp account can be used on several devices, both smartphones and different desktops at the same time. It is known, so far WhatsApp users can indeed connect on two devices via WhatsApp Web, but that will no longer be the case.

That way, users can activate one WhatsApp account on several different devices such as laptops, cellphones and desktops because they don't need to reconnect to the cellphone every time they switch devices. However, it is not certain when this new feature will appear.

Others, Boomerang features like Instagram will also be embedded with WhatsApp in the application. This feature will allow users to easily create looping videos with a duration of seven seconds. This particular feature is actually in a development stage and will be available to iPhone users first, according to the Mobile App Daily report.

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