JAKARTA One of the best features in Google Messages is the message scheduling feature. By using this feature, users can create messages and schedule delivery times.

On Sunday, December 31, many users wanted to make message scheduling. They want to wish some users a happy new year, but this feature cannot be used according to its function.

From the 9to5google report, when the user wants to select the date and time of message scheduling, the entire date in January this year cannot be clicked. In addition, filling in on January 1, 2024, the manual time is also not working.

This problem is actually not felt by all users. There are still some Google Messages users who can choose a date and arrange message scheduling with a preset tomorrow, 8.00 AM. However, this problem has harmed a number of users.

As a result, Google Messages users miss the right time to celebrate the new year with their friends and family. They have to send a manual message if they want to say New Year's celebration on time, which is at 00.00 WIB.

This problem was only resolved the day after. Although the feature has been improved by Google, the moment of celebration has been missed. Users cannot use this feature when they are in need of it on New Year's Eve celebrations.

Apart from Google Messages, the Gmail application also has a message scheduling feature. This feature goes well and users can send messages at 00.00 WIB to celebrate the new year. This means that this problem only occurs in Google instant messaging applications.

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