JAKARTA NVIDIA, a chipmaker in the United States, and its employees have donated 15 million US dollars (Rp232 billion) to support war victims Israel and Hamas.

Citing from a Reuters report, the funds were handed over to a number of non-profit organizations, both in Israel and in other countries, which actively support and provide assistance to civilians who are victims of war.

The funds collected came from thousands of NVIDIA employees in more than 30 countries. The total reached 5 million US dollars or around Rp. 77.3 billion.

Then, this collection of funds was doubled in a special company program to help war victims.

After the funds were collected, the company added another IDR 77.3 billion so that the total could reach IDR 232 billion.

The amount of this donation is referred to as the largest fundraising created by the company in the last 30 years.

"We are proud to see the broad support of NVIDIA families in Israel and around the world and thank them for their prayers and hopes for the return of our colleague Avinatan Or and other hostages fromOR Hamas," said NVIDIA Deputy General Advisor Gideon Rosenberg.

An NVIDIA employee in Israel named Avinatan Or was arrested by Hamas at the Nova music festival on October 7, 2023. At that time, Or was arrested along with his girlfriend and 240 other Israelis.

For this arrest, all NVIDIA employees were inspired to donate funds to large organizations that helped the victims, such as Asor Fund, American Friends of Magen David Adom, Doctors Without Borders, and Friends of United Hatzalah.

In addition to donating aid funds, NVIDIA also helped families who were evacuated from north and south of Israel by providing free computers. They also provided thousands of meals to the bypass in Yokneam.

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