Logitech: The Importance Of Ergonomic Devices To Maintain Body Health
Illustration of the use of ergonomic devices (doc. Logitech).

JAKARTA The latest survey from Logitech, a computer equipment manufacturer, states that workers often sit too long in front of computers, both while working in offices and at home.

With an average of six hours per day in front of the screen, Logitech says that the risk of repetitive strain injury (RSI) or repeated stretching injury will increase. The reason is, workers tend to sit in chairs for too long with poor posture.

When a worker experiences RSI, they will experience tensions in their wrists, hands, elbows, arms, shoulders, and neck. In addition, their tendon and muscle functionality will decrease.

Therefore, Logitech reminded that ergonomic understanding is very important, especially computer ergonomics.

Workers do not have to be good at utilizing technology, but are also good at establishing appropriate interactions with technology.

"The application of ergonomic solutions can increase satisfaction in work, commitment, engagement, and ability to design life goals for workers, moreover, it can increase workers' retention," said Head of Logitech Southeast Asia 2 B2B, Michael Long.

To overcome the problem of RSI in workers, it is important to pay attention to the use of monitors, keyboards, and mice while working.

Monitoring positions should not be too close and too far, while keyboards and mice should be closer to the body.

In addition to placing positions in these three technological devices, Logitech is also aware that the use of ergonomic products is very helpful for workers in increasing comfort and reducing muscle tension.

Based on a Logitech survey in 2019, as many as 9 out of 10 people who have used ergonomic keyboards or mouse did not want to switch to the previous product.

The reason is, keyboards or mice generally only cause fatigue to the body's muscles.

Therefore, ergonomic devices are believed to be able to relieve pain in the body or at least reduce the risk of injury due to excessive use of technological devices.

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