JAKARTA - Nearby Share, a data sharing feature for Android devices, looks set to re-brand. In the latest findings, the Nearby Share feature will change its name to Quick Share.
Based on a 9to5google report, this re-branding was first discovered by a user of platform X, formerly Twitter, named Kamila Wojciechowska. He received direct information from Samsung that Nearby Share had changed its name.
Apart from changing its name, Nearby Share also turned its icon into two arrows pointing at each other with a half-circle tail. This icon will change when Nearby Share is updated to version 23.50.13.
Regardless of the name and the icon that changed, the contents of the application will not change. The service of AirDrop's competitor is also still functioning properly without any new features being added.
It is not yet known why Google, maker of Nearby Share, decided to change this name. What's more, the big tech company has been using the name Nearby Share since August 2020.
For now, the re-branding of the Nearby Share feature is still included in the beta version of Google Play service. This means that the change of name and icon is still experimental and is being developed by the company.
Some users who use the beta can already see this update. However, for regular users, they have to wait a few more weeks until Google expands its updates.
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