JAKARTA - Leaks from the comic Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Chapter 55 have been circulating in the timeline. After rumors that Naruto was going to die were denied, now the Boruto comic will bring an unexpected plot twist in chapter 55.

Because the spoilers this time will make many loyal Naruto comic fans sad. How not, judging from the title alone chapter 55 will be entitled 'What to Inherit' or in Indonesian 'What will be inherited'.

When referring to chapter 54 which was published last month, Boruto actually gets up and attacks Naruto and Sasuke. Not to mention that Otsutshuki Momoshiki who resides has actually taken over Boruto's body.

Footage of Naruto lying (Mangaplus)

Shonen Jump also seems to want to make readers even more curious, whether Naruto is really dead or just unconscious. Moreover, the use of Baryon Mode does provide dangerous side effects for Naruto and Kurama (nine-tailed fox) who resides in his body.

From the leaked comic pages circulating, it shows how Baryon's mode actually encourages Kurama to spend all of his life energy. So that on the next page you can see Kurama slowly coming out of Naruto's body.

This is also supported by Kurama's words that seem to say the last words from him to Naruto.

"Have a good live ... Naruto ...", or in Indonesian it means, "Live well ... Naruto ...," said Kurama.

If it is true Kurama will die and leave Naruto. then chapter 55 could be one of the saddest stories after the rumors of Naruto died.

Curious, the comic Boruto: Naruto The Next Generation chapter 55 is scheduled to be released on February 19 or Saturday February 20. This comic can be read officially on the MangaPlus.Shueisha page

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