JAKARTA Discord admits that they have always focused on adding products on the desktop version since 2015. This makes the appearance of the app on mobile devices seem left behind.

After all these years, Discord finally realized the importance of their mobile app because not everyone can travel on a laptop. This obstacle makes Discord more confident in updating its mobile app.

"So, about a year ago, we formed a team to carry out an important mission: build a better mobile app," said the Discord team representative, quoted by VOI from its official broadcast.

This development was finally completed on Tuesday, December 5. The Discord app is no longer forced to customize the desktop view, but is developed with a different display and fits the touch screen.

This is a faster and more reliable app than ever before, with a new feature that helps you and your friends chat and get along while traveling, such as voice messages, and a 25 MB free file upload limit, explained Discord.

The first update that Discord added was the Navigation Tab at the bottom of the screen. This tab now separates Server and Messages. Server will show a list of channels in the horizontal version, while messages will contain Direct Message (DM) and Group Direct Message (GDM).

Specifically for the message, users can favorite DM or GDM. They can also explore all messages, pins, files, attacheds, to messages embedded in the search box by typing specific keywords.

The next update that Discord is proud of is User Interface (UI) when interacting with other Discord users. According to Discord, this time UI can make users more comfortable when communicating.

In addition, the Discord app is claimed to be working faster than ever. The company said that, "We're reducing app opening time by 55% on Android, 43% on iOS this year. We don't know how this will end without us creating time travel."

In line with its speed, Discord also promises a more convenient experience using the app because thebugs have been resolved. Discord says they have cut half the damage in mobile apps for Android users.

In fact, there are still many updates that Discord adds to the mobile app. This massive change can be felt directly by Discord and iOS users. Make sure to update the Discord version on your device to feel the update.

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