JAKARTA - Twitter has confirmed that they will not allow Donald Trump to create a new account on the platform. Even if in the future Trump runs again to participate in the election for President of the United States (US).

This was revealed by CFO Twitter Ned Segal in an interview with CNBC. At that time Ned answered about the possibility of Donald Trump having a Twitter account again if he ran for president and was elected in 2024.

"This is how our policy works, when you are removed from the platform, you are completely removed from the platform. Regardless of whether you are a commentator, CFO, including a former or current public official", he said, as quoted by Techcrunch, Thursday, February 11.

Ned said, Twitter had designed its policies to ensure people did not make the same mistakes over and over again, such as hate speech and spreading hoaxes. Therefore, if there are accounts that do those violations, according to the policy, they are not allowed to return to this microblogging site.

"Remember, our policies are designed to ensure that people don't incite violence, and if anyone does, we have to ban them from our service and our policy will not allow them to come back", he continued.

As previously known, Twitter has indeed banned Trump's account permanently in January 2021. The decision was taken because Trump's tweet violated the Violent glorification policy.

Trump's personal Twitter account is recorded, has 88 million followers. Not only Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, are still blocking Trump's account indefinitely after the events at the US Capitol Building.

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