JAKARTA - Recently, monoliths have shocked the world population. Its random appearance in a number of countries further adds to the mysterious impression of the monolith.

Recently, a mysterious metal monolith suddenly appeared in Turkey, precisely in Sanliurfa, Southeast Turkey. The inhabitants of this area were disturbed by the appearance of this mysterious object.

The latest news reports that now the metal monolith has mysteriously disappeared. Is this proof of the existence of aliens?

Uniquely, the metal monolith in Turkey has an inscription engraved on the 3 meter metal section. The inscription reads, "Look at the sky if you want to see the Moon," as quoted by Anadolu Agency. Wednesday, February 10.

The words were written in Old Turkish. Many people come to the mysterious metal monolith after its first appearance on February 5 in an empty field near the site of the oldest temple on Earth, which is at Gobekli Tepe. Now, residents report that the metal monolith is gone.

Tulisan di Monolit Turki (Theglobalherald)

The appearance of the metal monolith on the site has attracted the curiosity of local residents. They also feel scared when they see this mysterious object. Some residents asked the officers for an explanation, but they did not find any answers.

Until now, it is not known who placed the monolith there, and who lost the metal monument-shaped object.

“We don't know whether the metal blocks were put in my field for publicity or advertising purposes. We saw that the metal block was not in its place this morning, ”said Fuat Demirdil, a resident around the field.

Previously, this mysterious metal monolith had excited the residents of the United States (US) and Romania. The metal monument appeared in the Utah Desert and US Pine Mountain in December 2020. It also appears in the Neamt Mountains, Romania.

The shapes and sizes of the objects that appear in these two countries are very similar to one another. The chronology of appearance and disappearance is almost the same. The difference with the Turkish metal monolith is that neither the US nor the Romanian metal monoliths have any writing.

Some people associate the mysterious object with the legendary Stanley Kubrick film entitled "2001: A Space Odyssey." In the film, the alien monolith becomes an important symbol in the development of mankind.

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