JAKARTA - Leaders of the National Administrative and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) gathered at▁Dunia International Balloon Fiesta when the solar eclipse occurred. These leaders plan to make their own solar observations.

In collaboration with the United States Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), NOAA is working with European partners to build systems that can observe the sun from various perspectives.

Quoting from Spacenews, Assistant Minister of Trade for Environmental Observations and Predictions Michael Morgan said they were designing a model for this observation.

Later, they can increase the forecast for solar activity and its impact on Earth.

NOAA itself has designed several previous solar activity measurement tools, namely the first and second Compact Coronagraphs.

Compact Coronagraph was launched in April on a Falcon Heavy rocket, while the second Compact Coronagraph is scheduled to launch in 2025.

These two tools will observe the outer atmosphere of the sun and the ejection of the corona mass (CME).

NOAA also cannot rely on any of them to get a space weather warning. They need two Compact Coronagraphs at once.

Meanwhile, the results of NOAA's partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) will provide additional observations for solar flares and CMEs. Given that solar activity is quite threatening global interests, the United States (US) cannot work alone. they need ESA.

ESA will launch a Vigil mission called Lagrange. The mission will begin its journey to Lagrange Point 5 in 2029 and the results of its observations will complement the measurement of the Space Weather Follow On-Lagrange 1 (SWFO L-1) mission.

"If combined, both will give us a multidimensional perspective. We will know if and when CME will hit Earth," said NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Program Coordinator Bill Murtagh.

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