JAKARTA - Anthropic has just launched Claude Pro, a paid version of its web-based assistant Intelligence (AI) Claude.ai.
Claude.ai is a conversational interface for the large language model (LLM) Claude 2, similar to how ChatGPT provides application wrappers for basic models GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.
The company admits their chatbots are different from OpenAI's ChatGPT Plus since its launch last July, because of its longer window of context, faster output and complex reasoning capabilities.
According to Anthropic, some users stated that they would appreciate more file uploads and conversations for a longer period of time.
"With Claude Pro, customers can now get 5x more use of our latest model," Anthropic said in a statement, quoted on Saturday, September 9.
Claude Pro will be priced at 20 US dollars (IDR 307 thousand) or 18 pounds sterling (IDR 345 thousand) per month, which promises five times higher usage limits, priority access to chatbots during high traffic periods, and early access to new features as these features emerge.
Like ChatGPT Plus, Claude Pro can write text, summarize, analyze, solve logic puzzles, and more.
Although its capabilities are quite similar, Claude Pro has a context window of 100,000 tokens to process around 75,000 words at once. This feature is not owned by ChatGPT, which can only process about 8,000 tokens in GPT-4 mode.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)