JAKARTA - The hashtag #Eiger is being discussed by netizens. The reason is, Eiger Advanture, one of the outdoor activity equipment brands, actually sent an objection letter to YouTubers who reviewed their products.

The reason is because Eiger does not like the quality results of the video uploaded by the Youtuber. So that it is called Eiger can make product details look different and less clear.

"Hello @eigeradventure. Honestly surprised I got a letter like this from you. Even more shocked to read the objection points. I am not endorsing product reviews. If you are endorsing or advertising, you can complain like that. Lha buy, not free, then review using tools. himself, "wrote the account @duniadian, Thursday, January 28.

The existence of this upload then gets various responses from citizens. Many were disappointed and regretted that Eiger's public relations (PR) attitude was too excessive.

In the image uploaded by the @duniadian twitter account it shows Eiger's objections regarding the uploaded video review for a number of reasons. The objection letter was signed by HDGA & Legal General Manager of PT. Eigerindo Multi Produk Industri named Hendra.

In fact, it's not just YouTuber @duniadian who has received an objection letter from Eiger. Other netizens who had reviewed the Eiger product also received a similar warning.

"Our fate Bang, I got a letter" Love "from Eiger ..: D and I have deleted the video. Maybe in the future I will invest in buying expensive lighting specifically for eiger: D product reviews," wrote @AditiyaBoris.

Defended by YouTuber Review

Not a few gadget YouTubers like Ridwan Hanif Rahmadi, Wasa Wirman to HAPE friends commented. They also encourage @duniadian to stay excited about product reviews.

"The dislike is definitely the Eiger, one of them is Hendra," wrote Ridwan Hanif.

"This video is good. It is informative. The delivery of content material is also good. Video execution is also proper. Keep up the spirit, uncle," commented Tangan Belang.

"Just keep on going on bro ... How come your eiger is really bad, huh ?! 🤣🤣," commented Wasa Wirman's account.

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