YOGYAKARTA - Along with the current progress, we can even design AI technology. Curious what are the recommendations of the ai application for design?

As designers, we can benefit from this technology and make work more effective. Here's a useful AI application note:

Dall. E2

Dall. E2 is an AI-generated art system that can create realistic photos and art only with text. This system can mix the concepts, styles and attributes of the reading we put in.

Dall. E 2 can help designers and artists create references, or the design inspiration they need to make. So it can spur work.

Luma Ai

Luma AI offers a new method to create an extraordinary VFX visually. Use it on silent photos and videos to create characters, scenes, and whatever you want to make it look like the original.

Not only that, you can use Luma for game-asset needs. Take a picture of the object you want after that export to any engine game.


Durable is a free platform with AI support to help business owners create websites automatically. You just need to enter your business type and brand name, after that the system will automatically create your web.


This is a content platform with AI support that can help you make real content 10X more flashy.

This application helps you with lightning to get ideas and inspiration. Such as making web posts, writing better news, making interesting quotes, creating content calendars, and more.


Astria is one of the AI Generate art applications that can help create beautiful visuals of the original photo.

One of them is product placement. You only input product photos after that the system will process it into an art concept with a more beautiful style.

So after knowing the AI application for design, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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