YOGYAKARTA - OpenAI Co-Founder and CEO Sam Altman visited Jakarta to attend a discussion event about artificial intelligence. Sam Altman became a popular figure after OpenAI's booming technology and was used by many people in recent times. What is Sam Altman's profile like?

Sam Altman was invited to fill an event titled 'Conversation with Sam Altman' which was held at the Grand Ballroom Hotel Indonesia kempinsky, Jakarta. The event, which was held on Wednesday (14/6), was attended by 1,300 people. In addition, as many as 2900 also participated in the event online through the YouTube channel.

Many people are interested in OpenAI's technological innovation launched by Sam Altman. Many parties have experienced firsthand the sophistication and benefits of OpenAI. But behind that, there were also voices countering this advanced technology. So what is Sam Altman's profile like?

Sam Altman was born in 1985. Sam had childhood to teenagers in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Sam has been interested in the world of technology and programming since childhood. When he was 8 years old, Sam had studied programming and dismantled her computer.

Sam Altman is studying higher education to develop his interest in the world of technology. In 2005, Sam Altman entered college as a new student at the University of Stanford majoring in Computer Science.

But Sam chose to quit college and did not finish his education. The decisions Sam made reminded us of other successful figures in technology, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs.

After quitting college, Sam Altman tried to build a technology-moving company. Sam started Loopt, a company that allows users to share their geolocations.

In addition, Sam also works at the Y Combinator (YC), the main accelerator of tech startups supporting the launch of companies such as Reddit, Airbnb, Coinbase, and Dropbox.

The Loopt company presented by Sam Altman had developed and was quite well known. His party managed to get more than 30 million US dollars in capital before being adopted by Blackberry and Apple.

But after seven years of running, Loopt's performance has decreased. Loopt failed to rise and was bought by American financial technology company Green Dot, at a price of 42 million US dollars.

Although the innovation is still not successful, the name Sam Altman has been identified in Silicon Valley where tech tycoons gather. Two years later, Sam was appointed successor to president Y Combinator to replace Paul Graham.

Sam Altman joined Elon Musk in 2015. He and Tesla and Reid Hoffman (founder of LinkedIn) bosses and a number of sponsors founded OpenAI technology. OpenAI is a research company and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to present friendly Ai and beneficial to humans.

In 2016, Sam Altman announced that OpenAI was building General Artificial Intelligence (GAI). OpenAI released DALL-E in January 2021. DALL-E is an AI technology capable of making images based on user descriptions.

The company OpenAI has just released a ChatGPT in November 2022. ChatGPT is one of the most advanced AI technology models to date. ChatGPT can answer user requests using advanced AI through stories, scenarios, presentations, and lyrics.

That's a review of Sam Altman's profile and his journey to establish OpenAI. As one of the important figures in today's technology world, Sam Altman has a wealth of 250 million US dollars or around Rp. 3.7 trillion.

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