List Of Applications That Make Battery Run Out Quickly, How Often Do You Use It?
Illustration of a fast battery running out (photo: Stocksnap/Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA - A battery that runs out quickly is one of the things that interferes with the convenience of smartphone users. The cause of the battery is easy to run out not only because of its low or low power, but also in the use of applications on smartphones. There are several applications that make the battery run out quickly.

Usually smartphone users install or install multiple applications on their phones, both for entertainment and for a number of purposes. But often smartphone users are not aware that there are some applications that make the battery run out quickly. When using the application, the phone will work optimally so that the battery will drain more.

So far, smartphone users only know that games can suck up large amounts of batteries. In fact, apart from games, there are several applications that make batteries more wasteful, both iPhone and Android.

Applications that drain cell phone batteries are usually applications that require good graphics and advanced and complex technology systems. For example, applications that play videos or movies and online chats. Here's a list of applications that can make your phone battery run out quickly.

The Zoom app consumes a large enough amount of energy. Zoom can consume a lot of power because it has a complex or special system because it works to connect online communication between users from various places. In addition, Zoom also requires graphic performance to send images or videos.

Despite being an application that drains a lot of bateria, Zoom is needed for various purposes. Usually Zoom is used for work and education needs, even meetings for businesses.

YouTube is one of the most widely accessed platforms by the public in today's era. YouTube is very popular because it offers a lot of video shows on various topics and genres. Apart from being a medium for entertainment, this platform is also a place for various kinds of education content.

But behind this convenience, YouTube is one of the applications that drains a lot of batteries. YouTube requires a lot of power to play videos that users watch. Especially for videos that have high resolution and played for a long time.

Instagram is also the most widely opened application by people around the world. This platform of various photos and videos really spoils netizens, both as a medium of entertainment, information, education, and business. However, this application can make the battery run out quickly.

Instagram consumes a lot of battery power because it provides videos and photos with high quality. In addition, battery drain is also caused by advanced features in Instagram, such as live streaming, camera filters, and so on. Moreover, users do not realize that videos on the Instagram timeline will play automatically once rolled out.

TikTok is the same as Instagram, becoming a social media platform that drains a lot of power. This application from China has become more popular in recent years and is accessed by many people around the world. TikTok can make batteries wasteful because it displays content in the form of videos. Moreover, video content on TikTok will be played automatically when users scroll through the timeline on this platform.

The Netflix application has been more and more used since the COVID-19 pandemic. Even subscribing and accessing the Netflix application is now like an addiction because users can enjoy various shows, ranging from films, K Dramas, series, to series. However, this one application is also the cause of a lot of battery mobile phones.

It's so comfortable to watch movies, you may not realize that cell phone batteries run out quickly when accessing Netflix. This one application requires a lot of power to play movies, especially those watched with high resolution and in a long time.

Many mobile phone users install video editing applications, such as VN, FilmoraGo, KineMaster, and so on. This application is usually needed by content creators. Although it makes content production easier, this application consumes large amounts of batteries. Your phone battery is so wasteful because you access this application to edit videos with various advanced and complex features.

Other applications that can make phone batteries run out quickly are trading platforms. Now many people are trading through various applications such as MetaTrader, Netdania, TD Ameritrade, MIFX Mobile, and so on. Unfortunately, this application consumes a lot of battery power. This application consumes high power to generate graphic movements whose data is taken regularly.

Demikianlah daftar aplikasi yang membuat baterai cepat habis. Sejumlah aplikasi di atas memang penting untuk membantu berbagai keperluan, baik itu dalam hal hiburan, pendidikan, hingga pekerjaan. Namun agar baterai ponsel Anda tidak waste, Anda perlu membatasi penggunaannya.

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