JAKARTA - Adobe has just launched an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool called Firefly in beta testing, users can type orders to change images quickly.

Firefly consists of a collection of generating AI tools, one of which can create images based on text commands, with hundreds of styles that can change results.

Others, the tool can implement a text-based style, letting people make letters that look hairy, scaly, smeared, or whatever they want.

In addition, Firefly can also automatically change photos or images that content creators are working on by using a generating AI to create a brush based on something that is already in the image.

Like other AI fans, Adobe sees the technology as the latest digital tool to strengthen what humans can do. However, with AI showing new intelligence in terms of translating documents, interpreting tax codes, making music, and making travel plans, it's natural for professionals to feel scared.

"For example, Firefly ultimately allows people to use Adobe tools to customize designs with individuals, not just design for a wide audience," said Adobe's deputy president of AI's generative job, Alexandru Costin, as quoted by CNET, Thursday, March 23.

"In our opinion, AI will not replace creative creators. Creators who use AI will be more competitive than creators who don't use AI. This is why we want to bring AI to the heart of all of our user bases. The only way to succeed in AI is to accept it."

Creators also don't have to worry about models that can steal artist content, recreate, and present it without credit or permission from creators.

Adobe said Firefly would emphasize the opportunity to take advantage of the skills and creativity of content creators, as well as protect their work.

Furthermore, Adobe also confirmed that Firefly was trained from the company's image stock library, along with public domains and licensed works. Adobe has worked to reduce biases in training data that AI models can reflect.

For now, Firefly is available on the Adobe website, but the company will build the tool directly into other tools, starting with Photoshop image editing software, Illustrators for design, and Adobe Express for making fast videos.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)