Alibaba Reveals That The Cloud Trend In Indonesia Is Increasing
Illustration of cloud computing (photo: Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Indonesia is still in the cloud computing market growth period, but this has quickly become the attraction of many businesses in Indonesia, especially since the pandemic.

According to Alibaba Cloud's survey report, most Indonesian businesses (78 percent) want to invest more in environmentally friendly technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of their IT systems in the coming year, followed by machine learning/AI (63 percent) and metaverse/Web 3.0/NFT (62 percent)-related technology.

With Indonesia's high business interest in the adoption of cloud technology, 71 percent of businesses in Indonesia still see difficulties in making management recognize the value of the adoption of new technology is the biggest challenge.

Another factor that poses a challenge for businesses in Indonesia is cutting costs due to the current macroeconomic environment (55 percent), the difficulty of changing the existing IT system (48 percent), and the unclear ROI (28 percent).

But on the other hand, business people still see an opportunity where 71 percent of businesses still believe that cloud computing will drive the transformation of the digital economy in Indonesia over the next 3-5 years. Where 61 percent see opportunities in chip technology, and another 58 percent believe in AI potential.

We are pleased to see an increase in business interest in cloud technology. We hope that in the future there will be more businesses that will completely switch to digital and as strong and trusted cloud partners, we are ready to support our customers in Indonesia in achieving this digital transformation," said Leon Chen, Country Manager of Alibaba Cloud in Indonesia.

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